Tired of Allopathy ??? Try Acupuncture...

" If Allopathy doesn't have answer to your disease, it doesn't mean that you have no hope left !!! Smile with Acupuncture " :)

Thursday 26 February 2015


This is one of the most challenging cases that came to us!

Patient named X , 35 yrs of age came to us with multiple problems she had since her childhood:
- Couldn't maintain balance while walking, needed support while walking, without support she used to fall.
- Slurred speech, so it was very difficult to understand what she was talking!
- Mentally, she still behaved like a kid at the age of 35.
- Laughed frequently even without reasons !

On examination:
- Both legs were swollen.
- Feet tend to turn inward while walking as well as sitting.
- Couldn't flex her right foot.
- Writing speed was very slow.

Brain MRI was normal, examination of ear was done: it was completely normal too.
Patient was doubted for Prader Willi Syndrome, so she was asked to get genetic tests done..they were normal too..
Patient had taken treatment under senior neurosurgeons and also tried homeopathy..but experienced no relief !

Then we started  her treatment under acupuncture and saw what ??? After 8 courses of her treatment... MIRACLE !!!

Now, she can walk by herself..no need of support any more..no frequent falls..Speech has improved drastically. We can understand now what she is talking..Mentally, more mature..no unnecessary laughs !!!
Acupuncture acted as a blessing for her complicated set of problems..

Remaining 20% recovery will be given with booster treatments over the period of time for maximal results..*under booster treatment!


  1. Awesome, Acupuncture is really miraculous.

  2. Marvelous, Waiting to hear more from you.

  3. What is the TCM diagnosis? Please share
    Also what points and approach used
    Carry on with the good work
    All the best
    Dr Manish

  4. Awesome, keep up the good work
