Tired of Allopathy ??? Try Acupuncture...

" If Allopathy doesn't have answer to your disease, it doesn't mean that you have no hope left !!! Smile with Acupuncture " :)

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


My love for acupuncture deepens after seeing such results!!

16 yrs.old case of rheumatoid arthritis came to our clinic 2 yrs. back with the history of moving pains in her joints involving inter
phalanges,wrist,shoulder,elbow and back.

Since 16 yrs. patient has taken all types of treatments under ayurveda,allopathy,homeopathy,yoga but was still under immense pain!
Since 4yrs before she came to us..she was taking steroids daily (6mg orally daily with weekly injections) after her rheumatoid arthritis got diagnosed!!!Due to which generalised swelling was present in her whole body and her weight was 81 kgs...

On going through various lab investigations,her...
ESR was raised,C-Reactive proteins,Anti-CCP,RA factor were raised too.Medicines affected her liver too due to which SGOT,SGPT were also not normal.

General examination indicated her sleep was disturbed,Hair fall was present,excessive anger was present too.

We started her treatment under acupuncture and the results were really fantastic!!!

We gave her treatment under acupuncture for 7 courses and the results were...

  • We gradually brought down her steroid level from 6 mg daily to 0.5 mg daily and now completely withdrawn with no need of any injections now(adrenal insufficiency recovered).
  • Her weight reduced from 81 kg to 69 kg and now after 1 yr. her weight is stable at 72 kgs...looking very beautiful now!
  • Pains are no more wandering from one joint to another.
  • No hair fall problem now rather quality of her hair has improved too.
  • Various lab parameters have improved a lot..like SGOT,SGPT,ESR!!!
  • Sleeping and temprament have improved too.
Basically,overall wellbeing of patient was restored at both physical and emotional level!
Now its been a year after treatment and she is doing very well now!!!
Thanks to acupuncture for blossoming many such lives :)